Expert Advice, Consultancy & Coaching

Employment service providers working with local authorities and public sector organisations.

Our vision & values

At WM Employers, we advocate for our members, building a resilient public sector workforce and championing the West Midlands. We are a close-knit team and a not-for-profit organisation, bringing our membership together as a family of organisations. We collaborate to create solutions that no single organisation could deliver. Our services are used across the region, in all employment matters.

WME acts as the Regional Employers Organisation for the West Midlands, reporting to the Certification Office in accordance with the provisions of the Trade Union and Labour relations (Consolidation) Act (1992).

Our Values

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Influencing Change

We innovate within our services and create change in the public sector.
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We are transparent about our interests and communicate with our members.
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We strive to deliver a quality service to our members every day.
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We strive to deliver a quality service to our members every day.
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We aim high, making a positive difference through spectacular work.
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We aim high, making a positive difference through spectacular work.
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We accept everyone as an individual, supporting all our members with understanding and inclusion.
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We consider ourselves your colleagues, so you know you can depend on us.

Introduction to Strategic Plan

Our vision is to advocate for people-centred organisations like our members, build a diverse and resilient public sector workforce and champion the West Midlands as a thriving place to live and work. Our 3 priorities for the next 5 years are to tackle regional priorities, investing in research and discussion to develop services which directly address the key areas of concern in the West Midlands workforce, to Deliver Strong Shared Services by extending our product book for more services in HR, Leadership, Coaching and Resourcing, and to put our members at the heart of our organisation, strengthening our offering by listening to our members and their priorities.

Our team

Our Associates

Our Stakeholders

WME is owned by the 32 councils that govern the West Midlands, enabling regional collaboration.

Our Members

Public sector organisations benefit from our corporate membership.

Find out how we can help you