Lorna Wells

Principal Consultant - HR

Lorna commenced her role with WME in July 2019. She has extensive experience in HR Consultancy and has worked both in the public and private sector. As a Schools HR Specialist for 15 years, she has dealt with complex case work at all levels, as well as major projects. Lorna is one of WME’s Principal Consultants for HR and delivers a range of HR services to WME members.

Lorna is a highly experienced HR consultant and has led on a range of complex disciplinary investigations and hearings, including serious safeguarding allegations in schools, fraud, bullying and harassment and discrimination. She has also led all other areas of casework, including absence and performance management, grievances, redundancies and re-organisations, TUPE transfers, school mergers and academy conversions.

She is a skilled job analyst with experience of using a number of job evaluations schemes and conducting large scale pay and grading reviews. Lorna has also supported the implementation of a new payroll system covering multiple organisations. Having worked in Local Government since 2001, Lorna has an excellent knowledge of terms and conditions, often dealing with the complexity of multiple sets of terms and conditions within the same piece of consultancy work.

Lorna is experienced in negotiating and consulting with trade unions, both on individual cases and wider organisational issues. She has been involved in settlement agreement negotiations, including applying a detailed cost-benefit and risk analysis approach. She has played a major role in successfully defending complex dismissal cases at Employment Tribunal and has always had a keen interest in Employment Law.

Working under SLA agreements and in the private sector has given Lorna a strong customer and business focus. She prides herself on her ability to build strong and trusted relationships with clients. Lorna has been involved in several large scale, authority-wide projects including the change from a three to two-tier school system. This included a wide span of HR strands within the same project.

Lorna is qualified to administer and interpret psychometric tests (levels A and B) and has experience of all elements of recruitment and selection, including safer recruitment. She has developed and delivered training on a range of HR topics to employees, managers, headteachers and governors, and has developed and updated HR policy and procedures.

Lorna Wells

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