Who We Are

Warwick District Council

How to access Coaching and Mentoring

Warwick District Council is part of the Public Sector Coaching and Mentoring Pool organised by the West Midlands Employers. This means that we have access to a limited number of free coaching sessions for Leaders or Managers.

As we only have a limited number of places we need to make sure that the right people and situations have access to coaching or mentoring. The following is a brief checklist:

Can I access the service?

If you fall into one of the following categories you will be given priority access to coaching or mentoring from the pool:

  • Managers who have been given more responsibility/changed roles as a result of restructures
  • Managers involved and leading staff through transformation and change programmes
  • Managers undertaking service reviews
  • Managers looking to improve change management, communication style, relationships with colleagues and building staff morale

What to do next

If Coaching or Mentoring is for you and you fall into one of the above categories what next?

Please contact Karen Weatherburn on karen.weatherburn@warwickdc.gov.uk or on 6307

You will be required to provide a short business case – just stating briefly how you fall into one or more of the above categories, how you will benefit from coaching or mentoring and your key objectives.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact Karen on the e-mail or number above.

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