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What if this is THE secret to thriving at work (and life)?


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What if this is THE secret to thriving at work (and life)?

By Kat Thorn – The Morning Game Changer

One small positive habit change.

When do you ever stop and think about yourself?

Life is so fast. Always ON. With more and more things competing for our attention.

Which is causing overwhelm, stress and burnout.

Life can often feel overwhelming and stressful, making it difficult to cope with the pressure.

Research shows us how critical positive habits are to managing our energy and stress levels. Habits shape how we experience life, both at work and home.

When you stop for a moment and imagine a day in the life of yourself, you are actually hitting the pause button on your day and discovering some pretty incredible insights.

In every keynote, I ask the question ‘Which habits are negatively impacting you?’.

The number one answer is always linked to our technology, specifically our phones.

A lot of people already know this, but they are not fully aware of it, nor do they have the space or time to make a positive change.

Giving real, practical ways to make one small positive habit change helps people to feel they can actually commit to doing something, because it’s actually manageable.

One of my favourite positive habits is giving your phone a home. This gives you space from all the noise first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Swapping scrolling for movement, has this most incredible ripple effect on your personal and professional life.

Let me share a quick story of one person who has made one small positive habit change, and the ripple effect it’s had on them personally and professionally. Max realised that he was doing something many of us do, which is wake up, go on autopilot mode, and go straight into the day thinking about work and all the things he needed to do. And he realised that he was giving the worst of himself to the people he loved the most. His family.

And if you think about your body as like an energy bank account, from the minute you open your eyes, you are spending energy everywhere. You’re giving it to everyone. And when you get home, you are exhausted.

And that’s usually when you get to spend time with the people you love the most. Max realised this, and he made one small switch. He flipped the morning and the evening around, stopped snoozing his alarm, which gave him some extra time in the morning.

He spent that time with his family. And what happened was, because that made him feel good, it gave him energy, it made him happier. What was the knock-on effect for him in his work? It meant that he went into his day more focused, with lots more energy, and was way more productive than when he was previously.

After working with more than 7,000 people across the world in the past 2.5 years, it’s time for change as so many people are suffering. It’s time for change—and it starts with one small habit.

I’m thrilled to be sharing more insights and practical strategies at the West Midlands Employers Annual Public Sector Workforce Summit on Monday 31st March 2025. Join me to discover how small changes can create massive transformations in both your professional and personal life.

Find out more about the Annual Public Workforce Summit 2025 and other speakers below:

Limited places available for Shareholder Members & Corporate Subscribers. Book  your place below: 

We are always keen on your views, please email our team at info@wmemployers.org.uk with any suggestions or feedback.

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